Sunday, September 23, 2012

Advice of the sorts...

I've been here at college for a month now and some things have been bothering me about human nature.  I see people and I have people trying to compare their problems to others problems and my problems.  Now, I mostly have this annoyance when people try to compare stress levels.  "Oh, I'm so stressed.  I have this, this and this. Blah, blah, blah.  You just couldn't understand."  Um, excuse me.  Did it ever occur to you that the person that you are trying to say "couldn't understand" has just as much, if not more going on in their life?  But what it really comes down to is the ability to handle stress.

(Warning: I'm going into college terms)  If you are an individual that enjoys staying busy and working hard then taking 18 credit hour and being involved with clubs at school might be a lot, but it's not to much for you.  Other people might have a hard time keeping up with 15 credit hours and one club.

My point is that everyone is different.  Everyone has different amounts of stress that can handle.  Yes, your problems may seem ginormous to you, but to someone else they could seem impossible to take on, or really easy. 

Never be afraid to ask for help.  Whether it is homework, help with a project at work, or helping work a problem out with a friend.  There are tutors, bosses that will help and even (here at Cottey) you have peer listeners and counselors that are here for us to talk to.  They want us to succeed and accomplish everything that needs to be accomplished.

Another thing to remember is not to be to quick to lash out at people.  They could have a lot going on in their life just as you could have a lot going on in yours.

And never, never, EVER make someone feel like they are less for the amount that they can take on.  We are all wonderful, beautiful human beings with unique strengths and weaknesses.  If you can take on a busy life style, great for you.  If not, don't worry about it.

So, breathe and calm down.  Drink a cold glass of water and compose your thoughts.  But mostly, be kind and sympathetic to others.

Peace, love and hugs!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Don't get me wrong, I love college.  But I feel like there is no stop.  Like right now, I want NOTHING more than to lay down and nap for an hour before dinner because I was up until 1:00 writing a paper about Aristotle and his stinking poetics and I just got back from tanking my first graded monologue...  But alas, I cannot.  Why, you may ask?  Because I have psychology homework to read and a quiz to take, read two chapters of a leadership book and complete a quiz, learn the melody to an Italian song, do algebra homework, practice piano, study lines for the show because we are supposed to be off yesterday... 

Whoever told me college was going to be easy lied to me.  I do not appreciate it right now.

Blah.  Well, now that I've gotten THAT out of my system(sorta), let's talk about the good things!

I love my psychology professor.  She is super nice and really funny.  She is also really easy to talk to, I've already gone to her with questions and she has answered them with a big smile.  The drama professor who teaches acting fundamentals is absolutely hilarious.  He is always telling stories and making jokes. He is blunt which I appreciate.  He tells it like it is(Just like he told me that my monologue was better on Tuesday)... 

Even though my foundations in leadership class has a massive workload, I'm enjoying it and getting to do some really neat things through it.  Yesterday I had the opportunity to interview a woman for my woman leader project.  She was AMAZING! So much fun to talk to and she has such an interesting story.  I also got to hear Dot Maver speak about peacebuilding on Tuesday.  She is such an inspirational woman with a passion for peace. 

It's really neat going to a college where the president of the college knows you by name.  Dr. Rodgers and I have had several little conversations and she always remembers my name.  It makes me feel important and wonderful!

I don't know what I'd do without Meghan. She's super fantastic. We have sort of, kind of, attached at the hip since the first day.  I don't think there has been a single day(besides when I went home for the weekend) that we haven't eaten a meal together.  She's my closest friend here.

Susie is the best roommate in the entire world.  We get along SO well.  We have a lot in common! We listen to similar types of music, laugh a lot, make faces at each other, love God, care about our studies, are passionate about traditions and so many other things.  I couldn't ask for a better roommate!

There are so many other young women that I just love to pieces!  Everyone here is so silly, open minded and straight up weird. 

All around, I really do love it here.  I'm just tired. Welp. Psychology beckons... Have a gorgeous day!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

College.... Hmmm.....

College is an interesting thing.  Going to an all girls college is an especially interesting thing.

The girls here are pretty amusing.  The first few days of oreintation we all dressed casually and put some effort into our appearances.  The day classes started nearly everyone was rocking sweat pants, yoga pants, messy buns, and pony tails. 

Highlight #1 of going to a small all girls school: It's all girls, there are no boys around, we don't have to get all dolled up for guys.

Another fun thing, my friend Meghan taught me this cup-slap rhythm thing. We then taught Tami and Meagan.  We then thought, "How cool would it be to pass it from person to person?" And so we did.  We've been playing with it for 2 days and have figured out a few songs that go with the rhythm.  Tami, Meghan, Amanda(a very nice girl that already knew it) and I were singing and smacking out the rhythm for Firework.  We had some people staring in amazement and others looking at us like we were crazy.

Highlight #2 of going to a small all girls school: We are all pretty crazy. We are all going to do some silly things. So far we just laugh and join the silliness.

Being homeschooled all my life, I've never really had such a formal learning environment. It is beyond bizarre and extremely different.  I'm sure the classes are going to be challenging but I know that with some hard work, I'll be able to make it through just fine.

Highlight #3 of going to a small all girls school: The teachers really care about our success and encourage us to ask questions and help them help us.  I know that I'll be asking at least one professor for some extra help and I know they will be happy to help me.

 Oh, last thing I love about college. Random dance parties and random singing.  We had one the other night thanks to the wonderful Hayden and it was SUCH a blast.  We wopped, wobbled, two steped, line danced.....all around it was just a great time!  Earlier tonight I put on some music and the first song that came on was "Don't Rain On My Parade" Susie my lovely roommate looked at me and started singing.  We then(probably slightly offkey) started singing Don't Rain On My Parade.  It was great.

Highlight #4 of going to a small all girls school: No one seems to mind being their silly selves.

That is all I have about my college experience so far. It has been a really positive week and I expect it to stay just as positive!

P.S. Slighty relevent side note.....I just found out I received a lead role in the first show of the semester..... yay!!